Learn about Rosa Mystica and the miraculous history of our grounds.
Learn about special events and retreats, and see our Mass and Adoration schedules.
Support Rosa Mystica in providing a destination for pilgrims from around the world and helping our priests and Church.
With your $25 Donation, you can honor or memorialize a loved one with an American Flag that will be displayed in our Field of Flags for the Season. A beautiful certificate will be mailed to you or you can have it mailed to your loved one acknowledging your gift for them.
It makes a wonderful gift for Mother’s Day, Father’s Day, Birthday, Anniversary, etc.
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The Patriotic Rosary is a beautiful prayer that shows reverence to our God and our Country. It dedicates each prayer in the traditional Catholic Rosary to a specific intention for our Country and asks for God’s protection and guidance for our Nation. Through the generosity of our benefactor, Noreen Von Zwehl, Rosa Mystica has purchased property where the first ever Patriotic Rosary Walk in the United States is being constructed. The picturesque site sits on over 70 acres of rolling countryside and culminates with a natural lake. The property is located adjacent to the Rosa Mystica House of Prayer in Edmeston, NY.