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This chaplet consists of 3 sets of 3blue beads
O Almighty and merciful God! You gave the Polish Nation a wondrous help and defense in the most holy Virgin Mary and You honored Her sacred image of Jasna Góra with remarkable veneration of the faithful. Grant in your mercy that, under Her protection, we may struggle confidently throughout our lives and at the moment of death be victorious over our enemy. We ask this through Christ our Lord. Amen. Lady of Jasna Góra, our Mother, Queen of the Polish Nation! Trusting in your maternal goodness and powerful intercession with Your Son, we place before You our humble prayers and petitions. To You we commend all our needs, in particular…(mention a personal petition), our families, and all children of the Polish Nation, whether in their native land or else where in the world.
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Categories: Prayer Cards, Prayer Cards With Medal